Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Examples of how Earth Advantage Builders may landscape your New Yard, and Why!

Green landscaping begins with the reduction of a standard lawn and the introduction of low-maintenance flower and shrub beds. Less lawn means less mowing and less watering as well. By enviroscaping with native plants, flowers, and grasses, the need for fertilizers and herbicides are for the most part eliminated. Watering is also further reduced, since these plants thrive naturally in such a habitat.
Additional benefits to green landscaping techniques include reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the use of lawn maintenance equipment, therefore improving air quality. Water table quality also improves with the reduction of herbicides, pesticides, and unneeded fertilizers.

Here is a technique called "Advanced Framing" that can be used in Earth Advantage Certified Homes or homes using Blown In Insulation

Advanced Framing

  • Advanced framing techniques use less lumber and create walls that can be more effectively insulated, making them ideally suited for areas of the country with tough winters. The walls can be framed with 2 x 4 boards that are spaced 24 inches apart. When the walls support more than one floor, you can frame the walls with 2 x 6 boards and space them 24 inches apart as well.

Monday, April 4, 2011